Monday, 8 November 2010

Monday 8th November: The beginning :D

Ok...well one of my friends has a blog and I kind of stole the idea to have one of my own. I thought it might be interesting to see how it goes...not that my life has a lot going on at the moment but yet it's worth a try eh? I am an aspiring author and am currently working on a project called Burgess Hill. It is perhaps the most serious story I have ever written and it seems to be taking up a lot of my inspiration. I am aiming to write something every day but unfortunately school is preventing that somewhat. In year twelve I wrote a 100,000 word novel in the space of seven months but this year it seems that university applications etc are taking up time.

I am a bit miffed at myself as I have lost my USB stick which had my original version of BH and I am now having to rewrite parts, but I know that it is not as good as my original which is irritating. I am feeling the pressure at the moment from all areas of my life and am finding it hard to cope. I just want a break, but if I have a break I fall behind and then blah blah blah. But I shall shut up moaning and get through it as best as I can.

I would like to introduce to you my writing buddy:

Her name is KitKat and she is the most demonic, evil and cute cat that has ever lived. Other nicknames beside 'kits' is: 'fur-face', 'what the hell are you doing now?' and 'OW! That's my foot!'

You can catch up with me on Twitter: @emhanns, or if you're more interested in the writing aspect, I post to my writers circle's blog, If Shakespeare had a blog it would be like this, so check it out (only if you want to that is)

I hope everyone reading this is well, and that they have had a good fireworks weekend!

Ellen x


  1. well hello there lil kitkat oh and ellen :)
    welcome to the bloggersphere tis very fun on here

  2. Hello Ellen and KitKat! You'll probably find that blogging is extremely addictive, and that you're blogging even when there's nothing much to say! But none the worse for that - welcome to blogland.
